The Internet Index

Number 6
Inspired by "Harper's Index"*
Compiled by Win Treese (
12 February 1995

Here is Internet Index #6 and the directory of all editions.

Estimated number of people who can use interactive services on the Internet: 13.5 million
Source: John Quarterman, Matrix Information and Directory Services, Inc.

Percentage of movie ads with Internet addresses in the Boston Globe on 12 February 1995: 8
Source: Boston Globe, 2/12/95. The movies are Higher Learning and Billy Madison

Number, per day, of Prodigy users registering to use Prodigy's World Wide Web access: 15,000
Price, per hour, of World Wide Web access on Prodigy after the first five hours: $2.95
Source: Newsbytes news article via ClariNet

Average time, in minutes during business hours, between registrations of new domains: 2
Source: InterNIC Registration Services

Cost of access, per minute, to Internet Services at Cybersmith: 17.5 cents
Cost, per cup, of cappuccino to enjoy while surfing: $2.00
(Cybersmith is a new store in Cambridge, Massachusetts).
Source: Boston Globe, 2/7/95

Percentage increase in number of Internet hosts from October, 1994, to January, 1995: 26
Percentage increase in number of registered domains from October, 1994, to January, 1995: 28
Source: Internet Domain Survey

Number of Norwegian television shows with a WWW home page: 1
Source: Rondo

Number of financial service firms with registered domains: 398
Percentage increase in the number of financial service firms with registered domains during 1994: 197
Source: Internet Info

Estimated number of USENET sites, worldwide: 260,000
Estimated number of readers of the USENET group rec.humor.funny: 480,000
Source: Brian Reid's USENET Readership Report, posted monthly to news.lists.

Percentage of WWW users who are single: 53
Source: Consumer Survey of WWW Users

Percentage of Australian homes with a personal computer: 25
Source: Survey by Australian Bureau of Statistics, as reported by Newsbytes via ClariNet

Number of regional networks acquired by Bolt, Beranek, and Newman: 3

Rank of TOPTEN, a mailing list about David Letterman's Top Ten list, among LISTSERV mailing lists: 1
Number of subscribers: over 27,000
Source: John Buckman, via forwarded mail

Rank of TOPTEN, a mailing list about David Letterman's Top Ten list, among LISTSERV mailing lists: 1
Number of subscribers: over 27,000

Annual fee, in pounds, of dial-up access to the Internet with British Telecomm: 1750
Source: British Telecomm

Percentage of Estonian elementary and secondary schools connected to the Internet: 16
Source: Estonian Schoolserver

Estimated number of U.S. newspapers offering interactive access: 3,200
Source: The Kelsey Group, as reported by Newsbytes via ClariNet.

Estimated number of jobs that would be created under proposed deregulation of the telecommunications industry: 1.4 million
Source: press reports of Clinton administration estimates

"Harper's Index" is a registered trademark of Harper's Magazine Foundation. Copyright 1995 by Win Treese. Send updates or interesting statistics to

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