The Internet Index

Number 23
Inspired by "Harper's Index"*
Compiled by Win Treese (
Co-author of Designing Systems for Internet Commerce
28 February 1999

Here is Internet Index #23 and the directory of all editions.

Estimated number of Internet users in China: 1,750,000
Source: International Data Group estimate cited in Interactive Week, 1/18/98

Estimated number of users who downloaded the Starr Report from CNN Interactive in the first two days it was available: 1,700,000
Source: RelevantKnowledge, cited in the Wall Street Journal, 9/15/98

Fee to be charged by Delta Airlines for tickets not purchased on the Internet, in dollars: 2
Percentage of Delta Airlines tickets sold via the Internet in 1998: less than 3
Source: ComputerWorld, 1/18/99

Estimated US consumer spending on online retail purchases during 1998 holiday season, in billions of dollars: 8.2
Source: Marketing Corporation of America, cited in InfoWorld, 1/25/99

Volume of Internet initial public offerings underwritten by Goldman Sachs in 1998, in millions of dollars: 435.6
Source: Interactive Week, 1/25/99

Number of members of the U.S. National Advisory Commission on Electronic Commerce: 19
Source: InfoWorld, 1/18/99

Number of Internet companies based in New York City that have gone public since 1990: 16
Number of Internet companies based in San Jose, California, that have gone public since 1990: 6
Source: Wall Street Journal, 1/28/99

Estimated percentage of retail stock trades now taking place on the Internet: 25
Source: Wall Street Journal, 1/28/99

Number of e-mail messages received by the U.S. SEC about potential Internet-related stock fraud, as of August, 1998: 120
Source: Wall Street Journal, 8/14/98

Prize awarded by Cad.Lab for a new company name (Think3) through an Internet contest, in dollars: 50,000
Source: Cad.Lab

Percentage of print journalists connected to the Internet: 87
Source: Media in Cyberspace III

Number of outlet stores being closed by Lands' End, partly because of using the Internet: 3
Source: ComputerWorld, 1/18/99

Bank's cost to process an in-person transaction, in dollars: 1.07
Bank's cost to process an Internet transaction, in dollars: 0.01
Source: Wells Fargo Bank, cited in ComputerWorld, 1/5/98

Number of E-Zines (online magazines) listed in John Labovitz's e-zine list, as of January, 1999: 3022
Source: John Labovitz's e-zine list

Estimated percentage of organizations with specific plans to test and deploy IPv6 in 1999: 24
Source: Cutter Information Corp. survey, cited in ComputerWorld, 1/18/99

Copyright 1999 by Win Treese. "Harper's Index" is a registered trademark of Harper's Magazine Foundation. Send updates or interesting statistics to

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